About Us

About Champion Physiotherapy

Champion Physiotherapy is an air conditioned physiotherapy center providing pain relief for patients with joint and spine pains due to various musculoskeletal reasons. Our objective is to promote exercise as a medium of pain relief which empowers the patient to control pain themselves. With 20 years of experience in using physical agents and exercise to relieve pain, we are sure whatever joint pain you are suffering, exercise can often help you. You are welcome to Champion Physiotherapy to try our methods to relieve your joint pains. The methods are simple and sustainable with no side effects. Located in a ground floor in a main road with convenient parking space for cars, it is very easy for patients to access the physiotherapy premises.


Therapeutic Exercises

It is tailor made for each patient and includes stretching tight structures, strengthening weak muscles, stabilizing unstable joints and re-establish normal pain-free range of movement to ensure previous level of functioning efficiency. The exercises are meant to relieve your pain, improve movement, and maintain proper muscle balance.

Electrotherapy for Pain Relief

We use Shortwave Diathermy, Ultrasound, Interferential therapy, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, Russian Currents, Diadynamic Current Therapy and others to safely relieve your joint and muscle pains.

Postural Corrections

Faulty postures contribute significantly to spinal and other joint pains. We do posture training to restore the ideal posture you should be having to avoid your joints getting strained while at work and in leisure.

Ergonomic Advice

Ergonomics is the science of fitting the workplace conditions to the comfort of worker. Ergonomics helps identify the occupational reasons for neck, low back and other joint pains. It also helps identify whether your joint pain is due to faulty furniture or a faulty posture.


We plan our treatment after an assessment to understand your lifestyle, exercising habits, occupation and the behaviour of your symptoms.

Some people’s lifestyle is too hard for the body to withstand and get on. It damages the body gradually and cumulatively so that after a period of time it hurts and you begin to feel discomfort in various joints of the body. With all this in background, we help people to return to a pain free life through physiotherapy.

Our Services

Spine Care

The best way to treat neck , lower back and tailbone pain is proper rest and exercise.

Spine has the ability to recover back to normal or near normal even after disc prolapse, spinal muscle strain and other minor injuries. We at Champion Physiotherapy have helped plenty of patients to recover from severe pain to become normal. The methods are rational rest, exercise and medicines whenever needed (Prescribed by a medical specialist).

Online Physiotherapy

We are the first provider of Online Physiotherapy Services in Coimbatore.

We are the first provider of Online Physiotherapy Services in Coimbatore through our online video conferencing system. We are serving a large number of patients in pain who are unable to travel to clinic because of distance and other reasons. It is very convenient, economical, saves travelling time to clinic, and is a huge success.

Post-operative Physiotherapy

We provide post surgical physiotherapy.

We provide post surgical physiotherapy for patients who have undergone surgeries after accidents, joint replacements, ligament repair, corrective surgeries, neuro surgeries, plastic surgeries and other surgeries relevant to joints and muscles. Joint mobilisation, muscle strengthening, posture restoration training, walk training and other relevant rehabilitation are done for patients.

Elderly Care

We take the special path needed to treat elders of the society.

Having a PG Diploma Degree in Geriatric Care, Thomas Jefferson takes the special path needed to treat elders of the society. We train older adults with balance concerns and those are frail and in need of general strengthening. Fall prevention training is given for the elders as preventive measure. Posture maintenance, training and relevant postural exercises are given to keep elders safe, independent and lead a dignified life.

Our Blogs

By K. Thomas Jefferson / January 15, 2021


Theraband is one of the best exercise aids available to help recover from injury. It gives physiotherapist and patient a...

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By K. Thomas Jefferson / November 12, 2020


Physical therapy is vital after any surgery in any joint, muscle or bone because your body cannot return to normal...

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Extremely happy with the treatment. Completely relieved and the friendliness of the doctor is too good! He takes care so well.

Nivin chockalingam

I would like to recommend this doctor because he his very dedicated and friendly.

Mr Vimalan

Report diagnosis was done Patiently. Understanding of the problem was excellent. Communication skills were Praise worthy. Confidence towards recovery of the ailment was very assertive. Appreciated his time management.

Mr Rajkamal Ghanshyam

Extremely happy with the treatment. Completely relieved and the friendliness of the doctor is too good! He takes care so well.

Nivin chockalingam

I would like to recommend this doctor because he his very dedicated and friendly.

Mr Vimalan